According to Prevent Blindness America, from 1980-1994, fireworks accounted for 29 fires, 65 explosions, and 114 deaths. And, almost half of the injured are children ages 19 years old and under.
We all want to have fun and enjoy the evening on the Fourth of July. After all, who wouldn't want to enjoy the evening surrounded by family and neighbors with great BBQs and snacks. But safety is paramount and you should let only the professionals handle the fireworks. I read up a bit on Girl Power and here's are the tips from their site:
>> Let grownups handle the fireworks. Fireworks should only be used by adult professionals, so never touch or light one. Instead, enjoy the splendor of fireworks at a professional display!
Avoid sparklers. They can catch your clothing on fire.
>>Never attempt to make your own fireworks.
>>Keep your distance from other people who are using sparklers or lighting their own fireworks-bystanders are more frequently injured by fireworks than the people who are using them!
>>If an injury occurs, stay calm. If your clothing catches on fire, lie on the ground, cover your face with your hands, and roll.
>>If you get something in your eye from a fireworks explosion, don't rub or rinse your eye. Have your parents take you to the emergency room immediately.
>>If you see kids playing with fireworks or doing something that looks unsafe, tell a trusted adult.
Labels: Fourth of July Fireworks Safety